Creativity and Self-care

Self-care has many forms. It is unique to each individual’s need/definition. It is equally important to us all though. Whenever I set a new goal or maintain an ongoing goal I always prioritize self-care and how my self-care needs play a role in goal-setting (and maintaining).

One form of self-care that I truly enjoy and that makes me feel recharged is creating. Whether it’s writing, cooking, knitting, sketching, or learning about a new craft! I just feel energized during the entire creative process. Creativity is my stress reducer. It reminds me of what I need to feel fulfilled, express my unique self-love, and keep me focused on my current life path.

There have been times in my life when creativity was ignored though. I got too busy with work and responsibilities or just wasn’t feeling completely healthy and put a hold on being creative. And I noticed as soon as focused on even a minor creative outlet I felt better, I felt more like myself, I calmed racing thoughts, and reduced stress. Creativity is self-care for me. Even if I am not so good at a creative outlet, sketching for one example, is not something I am very good at, but I still enjoy the process.

How do you reduce stress? Does creativity play a role in your self-care routine? What is your favorite creative outlet?

Thank you so much for reading, following, and connecting! Please reach out for more tips, follow me here or on Instagram for more resources! Please take care of yourself!

Current creative outlet – I re-discovered my love for my vintage typewriter and I have been typing quotes and mantras and other words that mean something to me. Then to top it off, I add a wax seal to my creations. I have had requests about how to purchase them…so I created an option via Paypal! Click here for more info!

Growth – the beautiful process

Please know that the uneasy feeling you are struggling with is growth. Listen. Hear what you are destined to do next. Accept it, embrace it, and wholeheartedly pursue it.

Growth is essential. It’s going to be OK, actually, it’s going to be wonderful, the next phase is going to be exactly what you need and want! The process of growth can seem uncomfortable even painful, but if we focus on the beauty of it we can accept the discomfort knowing the outcome holds so much joy.

Accept the potential, the bravery, and the ability that you hold within you. It’s so very powerful and unique to you. You are the only one in the world that is capable of your unique growth. Embrace it!

Tips on listening to the stirring of your unique growth:

  • Pause and reflect on your goals, where your thoughts and heart drift to, the interests you have, and the gifts you hold that can get you to the next cycle.
  • Journal and write out the phrases and words that come to you when you allow yourself to daydream. These are a part of you for a reason.
  • Acknowledge all of the inner work you have done and accept the fact you are ready. You are ready to grow and take action.
  • Seek resources, support, knowledge, and time to create this next cycle of life, the next stage is waiting to be set.

Please know it’s going to be OK! It’s going to be so rewarding.

What are you focused on?

Please reach out with tips or questions.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Free Photo by Akil Mazumder on

Define your unique happiness

Your happiness is unique to you and so are the goals that encourage that happiness. Setting unique goals that put you closer to your positive future self without knowing every single outcome takes bravery. Be brave. Trust yourself. Make a commitment to your personal process and dedicate time to your goals and self-discovery.

Once committed, you will discover you are so much stronger than the limits you put upon yourself.
Identifying why a goal is important to you, the happiness it will bring, and the first few steps needed to get started will lead to your self-defined future. Identification of your happiness is a form of self-care and helps you create a goal-setting action plan unique to you.

Pause – Take a moment and think about actions in life that bring you the most joy.

Are your actions incorporated into your daily or weekly routine? What is keeping you from dedicating more time to those actions? How can you dedicate more time?

Set goals that challenge you and encourage you to define and identify your happiness.

Both professional and personal goals require commitment and dedicated time. Take a few moments to write out your typical daily and weekly schedule. Seeing your schedule in print will help you identify timeframes that work best for your unique situation and help you focus on your discovery.

What main goal focus will encourage more happiness and growth? I’d love to hear what you are focused on and how you stay focused. Connect via Instagram (successencourager), email me or comment below.

Thank you so much for reading and following!

Repost from 2019. As a friendly encouraging goalsetting reminder!


I personally use a goal setting method I call the window pane. It is a layout of the goal categories I focus on (read more about those here). There is a section with this method in my goal planner (on sale now!)

How does it work?

  • Review each category and the definition:
    • Well-beingMental and physical health; stretching, walking, meditation, conscious eating, plenty of water. Ask yourself – What are my health goals, what are my limits?
    • Spirit – Emorional wellbeing. Self-care, gratitude journaling, positive affirmations, create, hobbies. Ask yourself – What brings joy and peace? What nourishes me?
    • Circle – Mutual relationships that allow you to give and receive support; family, friends, work friendships, recovery groups, clubs or hobby groups. Ask yourself – Who balances with me? Who supports me and invites my support?
    • ProductivityDaily routine; work, volunteering, caregiving, budgeting, learning. Ask yourself – What is my current daily schedule (define it). What do I want my future schedule or routine to look like and consist of?
  • Create four sections (or use the layout in the journal) that looks similar to a window pane. Put the title of each one category in each corner. Write out your definitions of important areas in your life for each of the categories.
    • For example for Well-being, I have noted that I miss yoga, but enjoy my daily meditation. A goal that could result from this is to sign up for yoga class or research free video options and incorporate into my daily routine.
  • Review your list and ask:
    • Where can I improve?
    • What area do I connect with the most?
    • What area needs attention now?
    • Which area can I start focusing on today?

Once you see the layout and can focus on the area that you connect with most you can set small steps to create your new current goal focus. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that all areas need focus at once. It all starts with one focus; one step. I sometimes keep my window pane visible where I can see it daily as a reminder of what I’m focused on and what I will take a step toward each day!

I’d love to hear what your main category focus is! Comment below or email me at Find me on Instagram for daily encouragement quotes!Thanks for reading and following; keep goaling!


Become (verb): begin to be.

It’s the perfect time to start (or re-discover) & acknowledge your next beginning/becoming. Challeges can present opportunity for growth & realization that it’s a perfect time to acknowledge what brings you joy (and the steps needed to create that joy).

Self-development includes acknowledging what brings more happiness into your life, yet inspires growth beyond your current comfort zone. Making a commitment to become your authentic self through self-love, self-care and self-discovery is the first step to beginning your next phase. Don’t let fear of what others will think or your own self-doubt stop you. Start at your own pace, walk your unique path and, please, remind yourself you are brave enough & strong enough to embrace your new beginning.

What is your “becoming focus”?

Image – several wax seal stamps to choose from to create your personalized goal or mantra reminder. Quotes typed on my lovely imperfect  vintage typewriter, compass and feather wax seal stamps on card stock and quotes by me, DB. Second image – quote/sentence by me with tree wax seal.

Discover more creations & how to order a unique personalized typed creation via my creative typist page or message me! I would enjoy creating your daily focus reminder! Creations (personalized gifts) start at less than $4!!! Perfect one of a kind self gift and/or friendship gifts.

Self-care is essential

Self-care is essential to mental health wellness and overall productivity.

Self-care is so much more than a warm bath or spa day (as nice as those are!). Self-care is a unique routine and set of goals that encourages overall wellness, reduces stress, and promotes your unique balance and clarity.

Self-care is:

  • Rest
  • Organizing & prioritizing your schedule & responsibilities
  • Nutrition that is best for you and your dietary needs
  • Setting boundaries
  • Enrichment
  • Journaling
  • Being creative
  • Expressing gratitude
  • Exercise & meditation
  • Building healthy relationships
  • Making time for what nourishes you
  • And whatever brings you peace and balance

Setting a goal is a form of self-care that is unique for everyone. Your personalized goals should support your unique mental and physical health. Organizing a hectic schedule so you can incorporate goals & dedicated time for self-care is essential (and actually a form of self-care, especially if it reduces stress and helps you be more productive).

Please take care of yourself and commit to your goals and daily care regimen. Find your happiness.

How do you make time for self-care? What does your self-care goal-setting plan look like?

Thank you so much for following, reading my posts, commenting, and connecting via Instagram for additional tips, quotes and updates!

To encourage self-care, self-love and goal-setting I’ve expanded my love of the vintage typewriter and wax seals by creating unique gifts! Each creation is unique and can be displayed as a daily reminder to focus on your unique self-care and goal journey.

My creations are now available for sale! Please contact me with questions and/or personalized orders.

With Love stamp and unique quote

Commit to yourself

Self-love and self-care require commitment. That commitment is based on trust, just like with any other relationship you need to trust yourself and commit to being all in. Your goals help you create the life you want to live, the life that challenges, yet encourages you to nourish growth. You want this self-commitment to last. Your self-trust allows you to acknowledge and celebrate accomplishments and reminds you that this is a process; every day will not look exactly the way you envisioned it 100% of the days. This is where the growth and self-trust comes in.

Adapting as needed and being open-minded to the process will create the self-love we all need. Once this commitment is fully embraced and accepted we can build even stronger positive external relationships and encourage others to embrace their authenticity.

I suggest a bit of self-reflection, not the kind that has you comparing yourself to friends or even strangers where they are in life, but the kind that helps you define the path you want to currently focus on to get started (you can adapt as needed, but first get started). What are three main goals you would like to focus on and can realistically incorporate into your current daily routine?

For example:

  • Be more health conscience
    • Fix healthier lunches
    • Substitute a not so healthy snack with a lower sugar option
    • Stretch when waking up and before going to bed
    • Walk for 15 minutes each day to start – even if it’s in circles in your living room and add more time as you feel comfortable
    • Drink more water and less soda
  • Enhance current work skills
    • Find a free online class to enhance spreadsheet skills
    • Take a free business writing class at the local library (online resource)
    • Ask your current manager about a budget for professional development (webinars, conference, books)
    • Connect with a mentor and learn what top skills the job you want actually requires and then research resources
  • Reduce my stress
    • Make time each day or week for a favorite hobby
    • Meditate and unwind before going to bed
    • Journal each night. Write out goals for the next day and list any stress inducers that you may be dealing with
    • Read or find another stress reducing activity that can be started and stopped throughout the day whenever you need a break

Those are just a few examples that may be something you can focus on or incorporate into your daily routine. What main goal(s) are you focused on right now?

Writing out goals, inspirational quotes, mantras, or affirmations can help you stay focused. Write out your main goal and post it somewhere that you can see it daily. Take five minutes each morning and read it, say it out loud, focus on at least one step you can incorporate into your day for a goal or let it serve as a reminder to stay committed to your main focus.

I am currently offering my one of a kind personalized typed quotes (goal list, mantras, etc.) with wax seal for less than $4 each! These are great self-gifts or gifts for friends to post in a place you can see daily and be reminded of your personal unique commitment to yourself! Visit my information page on this blog for more details and ordering instructions.

Thank you so much for reading this post and following me! Connect with me on Instagram (successencourager) for daily tips, quotes, and more! Please comment below or send me a message if you have any questions or would like to share your self-love or self-care tips!

Stress free self-care

Typically, a new year sparks new goals, resolutions, reflection and even being open to major changes. Self-care is more than a resolution topic. Yet, with the overwhelming quotes and articles on the subject it can feel like there is a right and wrong way to practice self-care. There isn’t. Self-care is self-health and practiced best in whatever way is healthy for your unique needs.

Since stress is extremely unhealthy and the contributor to several health concerns, self-care stress reducers are not only calming, but essential to our overall health.

Self-care is acknowledging anything that causes stress and either seeking a solution or discovering a way to partner with it. Stress free self-care is being in tuned with your joy; how to create it and intertwine it into your daily life. Sometimes being in tuned with your own needs isn’t so ‘simple’ though. When we look at self-care as a task on a long list of responsibilities, it can seem stressful.

Self-care doesn’t require a full day of meditation, expensive tools, costly retreats, or even set rules. Sure, any one of those things can be a form of self-care, but none are required to actually care for your wellbeing. Finding moments to pause and calm racing thoughts is one of the best forms of self-care (self-health).

Stress free self-care is finding balance between emotional, mental, and physical wellness.

Self-care intertwines with every part of our lives; healthy relationships, nutrition, mental wellbeing (reducing stress), finding creative outlets, learning, emotional balance, physical health/activity, career focus, etc. It’s about finding your calm or at the very least partnering calm and chaos to live harmoniously so you can focus on your stress free self-care.

Example of a day filled with stress free self-care:

  • A stress free (or less stress) day begins the evening before. Write out your objectives for the day. Make the list as realistic as possible – focusing on tasks that are specific to that day. Create another goal list for the week and/or small steps that can be completed if time allows each day. Making this list (or lists) should not be stressful and take about five minutes each evening. Your unique lists are fluid and can be added to or adjusted as needed – it’s simply a starting point and a way to write out anything that might keep you up at night thinking about it or trying to remember everything that needs done the next day.
  • Wake up and spend 60 seconds to take a deep breath, acknowledging joy and gratitude, staying focused on waking up – not allowing racing thoughts of all the tasks and responsibilities required of you (yet).
  • Mindfully moving on to your next morning routine (or evening depending how your sleep cycle is) whether it’s showering, fixing yourself and/or family breakfast, preparing lunches, etc. Focus on the task at hand and breathe.
  • Glance at your list(s) and adjust as needed or check off completed tasks.
  • Before leaving the house or starting your day at home, practice pausing to breathe and acknowledge how you feel and what your body requires. If you are not feeling as well as you usually do, can you adjust your list before your day even starts and incorporate a bit more rest in place of certain tasks, or at the very least make a goal to be in bed a bit earlier than normal so you have a solution in mind to get you through the day and incorporate your rest as a priority, but also a reality with however busy your day may be.
  • Incorporate movement throughout your day whether it’s getting up from a desk you work at as often as you can or incorporating movement into your home routine – listening to your limitations and unique ways you can challenge yourself while staying safe and mindful. Using a chair or couch and getting up and down while watching a favorite show on TV or listening to music, an online lecture, etc. and stretching or even walking around from kitchen to bedroom, to living room (I live in a small home and use the path from my bedroom through my living room into my kitchen as a walking track), even 15 minutes two to three times a day is beneficial to self-health!
  • Get outside when you can. When weather permits get fresh air, feel the sun, take in the new scenery and if at all possible, move around while outside whether exercising by walking around your work building, your neighborhood, etc., or gardening, etc. Parking further away at work or the store, adds in a few minutes of activity and outdoor time. Again, 10 to 15 minutes a couple of times a day is so beneficial.
  • Take a break. No matter what your typical day looks like take a lunch break. Please. Make time for nutritious food. Planning a meal list, getting the groceries, cooking or creating the meals…it’s all forms of self-care (health). Finding new recipes is a form of destress for me, I spend about 15 minutes and browse online or through my cookbooks for new ideas about once a week or so and then create a meal around that, sometimes I adjust ingredients to either what I can afford, what I have on hand, and/or what my diet limitations and likes/dislikes require. Swapping out certain foods or beverages is a form of nutrition awareness. Again, not stressful, simply acknowledging realistic changes you can start to incorporate into your existing routine. I love potato chips. I use to buy a big back and snack on them daily. Eventually, the portion size was less and less, I never just open the bag and start to eat them, I don’t use a big bowl to pour them out in…I use a lid from plastic container that is about the size of small tea cup saucer. This is a good amount for me and a realistic habit changer for me personally. Incorporate what you can, cut out what you can, reduce portions when you can, and drink plenty of water daily.
  • Listen to your needs, when you need a connection and time with a friend, seek that – call a friend, go to lunch with a coworker, write a letter to a loved one explaining why you are grateful for them…take 15 minutes and connect. In the same breath, if you need some alone time, create that. Find a creative way, whatever is required for your unique self-care, find 15 minutes to embrace it and pause, be mindful during whatever works for you.
  • Give yourself love and self-acknowledgement for all accomplishments (whether they seem minor or major).
  • Create your calming down routine, even 15 minutes before you sleep to recap your day and acknowledge three moments you are grateful for. Write out your short list for the next day, and try to get in bed with enough hours to give you the sleep you require.

This is not medical advice and should not replace seeing a medical professional, but can be incorporated into your current health routine. Please see medical professionals when needed or with any new concerns you may have for your mental, emotional and/or physical wellbeing.

Self-care is necessary, but it should not be stressful. I will continue to share my tips and suggestions in the coming days, weeks, even months. Please share your self-care tips or questions below or contact me with your suggestions or questions!

Thank you for reading, thank you for following and thank you for sharing this space with me. Find me on Instagram @successencourager for quotes and more tips.

Please take care of you.

Creative opportunities

This year has been summed up in many ways so far. I imagine there will be several new summaries in the coming days, weeks, and months. One summary I have been focused on is – the year of creative opportunities. So many people are making major decisions, both personally and professionally. I have updated numerous resumes, assisted with cover letter writing, conducted mock interviews with job seekers, and had several conversations with people wanting to start a part-time gig and/or a self-employment opportunity.

Some of my responses to these conversation topics include information from my BIP posts (Business Idea Prompts). I have several posts about business ideas and working on more! No matter the idea topic or extent of the conversation the common theme focuses on being creative and starting with what you know and resources you have.

Creative opportunities not only prove important when wanting to start your own business but being creative in general is a form of self-care, reduces stress, and is a catalyst for goal-setting. Starting a small business or planning a larger career change requires setting goals, an action plan, and creatively providing a service or product that can provide an income, whether a modest supplemental form of income or to replace your current one.

Current popular side gigs include:

  • Personal shopper (providing this service on your own or through a professional company/retailer)
  • Yard maintenance
  • Almost any online service such as web designer, social media assistant, blogger, virtual tutor, etc.
  • Delivery of almost anything from fast food to hardware store items. This is something you can start on your own or through a professional service or retailer.
  • Baker and/or event planner (with more people celebrating family birthdays and events at home finding a creative way to provide assistance is a very popular choice…picking up bakery made desserts, party supplies, etc. and delivering them is one example or
  • Something a bit more creative like writing letters or providing a personalized video message from a child’s favorite superhero or princess – since a lot of parties are not having in-person characters/clowns, at parties – dressing up for a video call could be a lot of fun for a child!
  • Adapting what you already enjoy to fit into the changes of this year – for example, teaching your hobby/craft virtually or starting a vlog (instead of hosting in-person workshops) or focusing on selling your handmade craft (jewelry, 3-D printing items, lotions, etc.) online instead of at craft fairs/festivals, etc. that may be canceled this year. Get creative! 🙂

Or simply something fun that you find enjoyable and can develop into that perfect side-gig for you, your skills, your budget, and time.

I enjoy creating with my love of quotes, writing, and wax seals. Thankfully, I have a vintage typewriter that was stored for several years that I have been using to create small works of art with my favorite quotes & verses (and some new ones I have created) and adding a wax seal to the finished creation. I simply posted some that I created for myself and had sent a few to friends then I started getting requests for personalized orders and even a request to type up part of a couple’s wedding vows for an anniversary gift!

What is something you enjoy, could learn more about easily (or already feel qualified to do), have resources for, or can start with a limited budget almost immediately for a part-time income and/or possibly grow into a full-time one? Do you have questions about starting a side gig? Please email me or comment below!

Thank you for following and reading! I appreciate your time and comments!


Entrepreneurship basics

Hello! I hope you have enjoyed the BIP posts that I started a few years ago. I have recently been asked about new Ideas and asked a lot of questions about my pots. I have more prompts to come, but I wanted to share my experience and opinions about entrepreneurship basics; it’s not just tech start-ups and you may not need a huge budget to get started. I truly believe in dreaming big and encouraging everyone to do the same. I believe in starting with the skills, experience and resources you already have and growing from there! I encourage everyone to start…simply start. Make time to dream and plan….period.

First, let’s define entrepreneurship. Wikipedia defines – “has traditionally been defined as the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which typically begins as a small business, such as a start-up company, offering a product, process or service for sale or hire.” So even if you are offering computer repair, house cleaning, landscaping, child care, writing services, web design, handmade items at local farmer’s markets, car maintenance, or any of a number of other services or products you are an entrepreneur!

I believe anyone focused on sharing their skills and talents, full-time, part-time, or whenever they have time, is an entrepreneur! Whether you are thinking of starting your own full or part time business, expanding an existing business, interested in starting a side gig, or advancing from your current position at a company then you definitely have an entrepreneur spirit and it starts with a single thought.

So, what is the basic process to turn thought into action? Once you define what you want to do you can start to take action. I wrote about focusing on your interests; defining possible side gig opportunities that fit your interests. You can read that here.

Something that always works for me is to write down my focus. Once I see it in writing it helps me work through the steps needed to accomplish it or adjust the idea, etc. For example if I want to expand my photography hobby and offer small event and senior photos as a side gig on the weekends there are obvious first steps that need completed before I go rent a huge studio space, contact a publisher for a coffee table book deal, or buy thousands of dollars worth of equipment. I need a plan..I need to focus…I need clients!

I made my list and actually had a very successful part-time photography business for about a year until I found a more time demanding job and decided to stop. I photographed families, high school students, corporate golf events, pet photos, a local small band, and even a few shoots for dating profile photos. I decided on photography, because of my love for taking nature photographs. When I started brainstorming about side gigs I decided to focus on what I had to help me define my focus. I already had a nice digital camera, I enjoyed photography, I love being around people, etc. Next step was my action list, which I’ve shared a general recap below:

  • Create a web page (I used the free service through Shutterfly to display samples of my photography and create online galleries for clients)
  • Come up with a business email (another free action item. I used gmail)
  • Advertise and find business/clients; business cards, flyers, I reached out to companies for corporate events, word of mouth, browsed ‘ads’ online, posted cards and flyers at laundry mats, libraries, community boards, online, etc.
  • Set fees and define what is included (I researched the average hourly rate and cut it almost in half because I was not a professional full-time photographer and I wanted to use this opportunity to enhance my photography skills as well as provide an affordable alternative.)
  • Research tips for family and senior photos and offered those on my site and when discussing details with clients (I read a lot about family and corporate photography to enhance my knowledge and help clients decide not only on settings and poses, but also on package options, professional photography terms {to ensure clients I was at least semi-professional}. I also practiced shots with lighting, angles etc. to gain skills and experience.)
  • Set up a payment method. I accepted checks, cash and PayPal payments since I already had a PayPal account from selling some online items
  • File system and organize jobs. I had a ledger with names, packages, dates, costs, and notes to help me track everything. I also kept electronic files for tax purposes, keeping record of payments received and mileage with other items I needed for taxes (there is a limit you can make before needing to file taxes, but I wanted to start off tracking my revenues and spending)
  • Offer incentives. I offered all clients incentives for repeat business or referring friends, either a discount on their next purchase/photo shoot or a gift card if they didn’t have any other photography needs (a $5 to $10 Starbucks or other gift card)

That was my general list and action items. It was low investment, I didn’t get rich, but I made extra money and had a blast doing it! I also made some contacts that I worked with in the future when exploring other creative income options.

I also kept an open mind about input from clients and friends. For example the pet photography came about from a request. I had never even thought of pet photography. That is something I’d enjoy starting up again! I even kept making time for photography trees, skylines, etc. and made photo cards as gifts out of those and through word of mouth I was able to sell some for a small profit!

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have an entrepreneur spirit? Do you have tips to share or questions? Please comment below or email me at

Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action, concept, tags on the table.

Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action, concept, tags on the table.